Your personal
AI Stylist
How many times have you stood in front of a mirror unsure if these clothes are really the best fit?
Or sent someone a selfie to find out their opinion?

Stylo is a robot-stylist that's ready to help you dress 24/7
Your personal
AI Stylist
How many times have you stood in front of a mirror unsure if these clothes are really the best fit? Or sent someone a selfie to find out their opinion?

Stylo is a robot-stylist that's ready to help 24/7
What does it do?
Stylo is an artificial intelligence algorithm that analyses a photo and tells whether you're dressed stylish or not.
If not, provides you with an arguably useful advice
Look analysis
Take a selfie and Stylo will share it's opinion with you. You'll immediately know how good you really look in these clothes
100% honest.
No pity talk
Asking friends about how you look is pointless: they're always being nice and never tell the truth.
Asking strangers is scary. Asking Stylo is fine: machine can't hurt your feelings, can it?
No more wardrobe frustration
We shed tears for countless hours you waste in front of the wardrobe and the headache it gives. Stylo will make you find a perfect fit in minutes
100K+ looks experience
Stylo was taught on more that 100 hundred thousand both good and bad looks. Is there even one human stylist with such experience?
Will be available on both iOS and Android this fall
Get early access
We'll let you know when the app will be available. Before that we may write you once or twice to ask for your opinion on some features
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