Your video.
Your voice.
Any language.
Only 18% of all people on Earth speak English.
The rest would also appreciate your content, 100%
We translate,
you benefit
Send us your video course, specify the languages you want it translated to, and we'll get it back to you in a few days.
AI translates,
humans check
Our state of the art AI technology translates videos. And the human-in-the-loop checks for errors to ensure perfect translation.
Lips synced
life-like quality
Voice cloning and lip sync technology makes it look so native as if it was originally in that language
Access Blue Ocean markets
English-speaking courses are a red ocean – that is, there's a lot of competition out there. However, if you're willing to create courses in other languages, you'll find that there's a lot less competition and you'll be welcomed with open arms (and wallets!).
© Babell.Al Inc 8 THE GREEN STE A DOVER, DE 19901
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